
Sonia Betti

Sonia Betti is a post-doctoral fellow at the NeMo lab. She received an undergraduate degree in Cognitive Psychology and Psychobiology in 2010, then a master degree in Neuroscience and Neuropsychological Rehabilitation two years later, both at the University of Padua. In 2011, she won an Erasmus study grant at University College London, UK. In 2017, she received a doctorate in Psychology from the University of Padua, focusing her research on motor preparation during action observation and social interaction, investigating the automaticity of these motor activations by testing spatial attention and gaze direction’s in mediating these processes. To carry out her research, Sonia adopts multiple experimental techniques, such as transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS), electromyography, eye-tracking and kinematical analysis of movement. In 2015, she deepened her knowledge on neurostimulation by spending six months at the UCL Institute of Neurology – Sobell Department of Motor Neuroscience and Movement Disorders under the supervision of Dr. Marco Davare, mapping the interactions between the premotor to primary motor cortex using a double-coil TMS technique. Her main research interests relate to the understanding of how we flexibly adapt and respond to others’ actions. She is also interested in characterizing motor responses in real social interactions; in investigating the relationship between structure and function of the corticospinal tract; in studying reach-to-grasp behavior as an experimental window to test multisensory integration, the relationship between action planning and execution, and the role of high-order representations in motor programs.